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protection feature中文是什么意思

用"protection feature"造句"protection feature"怎么读"protection feature" in a sentence


  • 保护特性


  • And protect your valuable prototypes and assemblies with the extensive set of protection features
  • Sp2 contains a new phishing protection feature to be used with the outlook junk email filter
  • You can use the document protection features in word and excel to protect the host controls from being deleted
  • The protection feature in microsoft office excel 2003 keeps users or code from modifying objects within a worksheet
    Microsoft office excel 2003中的保护功能可以防止用户或代码修改工作表中的对象。
  • Make sure the content of the package is controlled for example , you can use the password protection features in ssis or set permissions on the file
    在< data >部分中,删除以下条目中的注释标记(删除行首和行尾的
  • Provides an example of how to use the protection feature in excel 2003 to keep users and or code from modifying objects within a worksheet
    提供一个示例,演示如何使用excel 2003中的保护功能防止用户和/或代码修改工作表中的对象。
  • Data lifeguard is an exclusive set of data protection features , including shock protection , an environmental protection system and real - time embedded error detection and repair
    Data lifeguard为独家数据保护功能,包括防震保护作业环境保护系统及实时内置错误侦查及维修。
  • The principle of rectifies type , medium impedance type , and microprocessor - based busbar protection was analyzed . several kinds of busbar protection features and their attention points in service were expounded
  • The paper describes a cw , non - cooling , digital all - solid - stated ld pumped nd : yvo4 driver which adopts microprocessor control , stability power of laser feedback and laser output power about 10mw . the system is composed of constant current source , soft diagram , protection , pulse schematic and laser power feedback loop . by combining appropriate hardware and software , we achieved , in our driver , a variety of protection features including the ability to suppress transients and reduce noise , relay soft and hardware over - current protection and overvoltage shut - off , we have obtained a continuously adjustable laser power output with high accuracy and stability
  • These chip inductors provide maximum protection features for solder reflow , welding and come with precise formed caps of high temperature acrylic for perfect co - centering and vacuum pickup . they have excellent solderability and are able to withstand pull - up force , mechanical shock and pressure . available in sizes of 0402 , 0603 , 0805 , 1008 , 1206 , 1210 , our chip inductors have wide inductance range for virtually all broadband and rf applications
    台达电子提供全系列之被动元件,包括0402 0603 0805 1008 1206与1210系列,可应用于行动电话基地台宽频通讯无线电话个人数位助理pda呼叫器摇控器电视机上盒数据机电压控制振荡器与高频模组等。
用"protection feature"造句  


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